Open Philately Award List in FIP World Stamp Exhibitions 2013 -2023

Based on FIP database

AustraliaBromser, CharlesMovers and Shakers of the Millennium2016New York 201680V
AustraliaBurke, DavidRhodesia - The British South Africa Years 1900-19242013AUSTRALIA'1366SB
AustraliaChadderton, BruceDescent into the Abyss. A philatelic re-telling of the Shoah (Holocaust)2016New York 201686LV
AustraliaChadderton, BruceDescent into the Abyss. A philatelic re-telling of the Shoah (Holocaust)2018WSC ISRAEL '1888LVFEL
AustraliaChadderton, BruceDescent into the Abyss. A philatelic re-telling of the Shoah (Holocaust)2022WSC LONDON 202288LV
AustraliaChadderton, BruceDescent into the Abyss. A philatelic re-telling of the Shoah (Holocaust)2022Cape Town 202291GSP
AustraliaDombay, Miklos The Blue Danube2022WSC HUNFILEX 202278LS
AustraliaFigg, DavidFriendly Societies in Australasia2013AUSTRALIA'1370S
AustraliaGarrick, AnnAustralian Antarctic Territory - Cover Makers2013AUSTRALIA'1368SB
AustraliaGendek, MarilynThe International Council of Nurses2013AUSTRALIA'1375LS
AustraliaMoore, JohnCoconut - The palm of life2022Cape Town 202271S
AustraliaSadler, IanJapanese Conquest and Defeat in WWII2022WSC LONDON 202286LV
AustraliaWalker, Martin JamesThe Portrayal of Living People in Australian Philately2016New York 201686LV
BahrainAwad, AhmedPyramids2018THAILAND 201861B
BelgiumBottu, MarkGoethe, more than Faust2018PRAGA 201880V
BelgiumBottu, MarkGoethe, more than Faust2023THAILAND 202380V
BelgiumDe Swaef, RolandThe Belgian, Hereditary and Parliamentary Monarchy2018THAILAND 201885LV
BelgiumDe Swaef, RolandThe Belgian, Hereditary and Parliamentary Monarchy2022WSC HUNFILEX 202287LV
BelgiumDe Swaef, RolandThe Belgian, Hereditary and Parliamentary Monarchy2023THAILAND 202391GSP
BulgariaÖzalp, Koray1 Nation & 3 States-100 years of ANKARA2022WSC INDONESIA 202287LV
BulgariaSimeonov, AtanasRotary Philatelic History / Rotary Gold Anniversary2019CHINA 201961B
CanadaTaylor, JamesEarth Science - From Flat Earth to Planetary Tectonics2019CHINA 201968SB
ChinaCui, JianpingThe Route to Space - China's Manned Space Program 2019CHINA 201971S
ChinaKong, LingjinThe Monkey King's Stories 2019CHINA 201971S
ChinaXue, KangThe Golden Monkey - Spirit of the Ecosystem2019CHINA 201976LS
ColombiaJohnson, James C.France aviation meetings and manifestations2022Cape Town 202278LS
ColombiaJohnson, James C.French Commercial Aviation 1919-19392023IBRA 202383V
Czech RepublicKraus, JiriFinding Antartica - Then Finding More of it (Prev: Search and Discovery of Antarctica)2018PRAGA 201887LV
Czech RepublicKraus, JiriFinding Antartica - Then Finding More of it (Prev: Search and Discovery of Antarctica)2019CHINA 201989LV
Czech RepublicKraus, JiriFinding Antartica - Then Finding More of it (Prev: Search and Discovery of Antarctica)2022WSC LONDON 202285LV
Czech RepublicKraus, JiriFinding Antartica - Then Finding More of it (Prev: Search and Discovery of Antarctica)2022WSC HUNFILEX 202290G
Czech RepublicKraus, JiriFinding Antartica - Then Finding More of it (Prev: Search and Discovery of Antarctica)2018PRAGA 201885LV
DenmarkHansen, John GuldborgThe Birth of a Nation2016New York 201680V
DenmarkNielsen, Poul MichaelNo War Anymore2013AUSTRALIA'1382V
DenmarkRasmussen, PhilipWagner: Life and Legacy2023IBRA 202380V
FinlandMajander, JariYour Cuppa Tea - The History, Culture and Business of Tea2019CHINA 201995LG
FranceAronis, HenriEverything you should know about the tooth!2018PRAGA 201888LVSP
GermanyCzubek, ChristianIn Night and Ice - Man in the Arctic2023IBRA 202383V
GermanyFritz, RüdigerAthens 1896 - Olympic Games in new shine2023IBRA 202396LGSP
GermanyGroßglaus, HansDie faszinierende Welt der Musikautomaten2023IBRA 202380V
GermanyHofmann, JörgIreland - Pathway to Independence2023IBRA 202390G
GermanyHofmann, JörgIreland- the Pathway to Independence2022WSC HUNFILEX 202288LVSP
GermanyMouritsen, IvaA Royal Ménage À Trois And Its Historical Consequences2018PRAGA 201895LGFEL
GermanyMouritsen, IvaA Royal Ménage À Trois And Its Historical Consequences2018THAILAND 201895LGSP
GermanyMouritsen, IvaA Royal Ménage À Trois And Its Historical Consequences2022WSC LONDON 202296LG
GermanySteinbach, SusanneStars on Ice - A stroll through figure skating2023IBRA 202383V
Great BritainDavies, JohnA Jubilee Reminiscence2022WSC LONDON 202295LG
Great BritainDavies, JohnA Jubilee Reminiscence. The 1890 Penny Postage Jubilee2016New York 201693G
Great BritainKing, BirtheThe Re-Unification of Southern Jutland with Denmark 1864-19202018PRAGA 201891GSP
Great BritainKing, BirtheThe Re-Unification of Southern Jutland with Denmark 1864-19202022WSC LONDON 202292G
Great BritainKing, BirtheThe Re-Unification of Southern Jutland with Denmark 1864-19202023IBRA 202390G
Great BritainKing, BirtheRefugee Camps in Denmark 1945-19492022WSC HUNFILEX 202287LVSP
Great BritainLawrence, StanKing George V in Gibraltar - Now and Then2022WSC LONDON 202273S
Great BritainMcMillan, DaphneThe Family, Life and Reign of King George VI2022WSC LONDON 202286LV
Great BritainRoberts, MikeThe Pacific Steam Navigation Company2022WSC LONDON 202293G
Great BritainScott, Kumala Indira ClaireThe Wounded Soldier's Story2013AUSTRALIA'1377LS
Great BritainSherwood-Jenkins, MarcusThe Russian & Soviet Justice System 1820 - 19912022WSC LONDON 202285LV
Great BritainWalker, TonyThe Battles of Coronel and the Falkland Islands in 19142023IBRA 202373S
Great BritainWinters, GrahamA Good Walk Spoiled2016New York 201682V
Great BritainWinters, GrahamA Good Walk Spoiled2022WSC LONDON 202295LG
Great BritainWinters, GrahamA Good Walk Spoiled2023IBRA 202392G
Great BritainWood, PeterThe Road to Independence - Ireland from the Act of Union to Irish Free State2022WSC LONDON 202281V
HungaryVaszkó, Éva BencefinéSaint Stephen King2022WSC HUNFILEX 202281V
HungaryVaszkó, Éva BencefinéSaint Stephen King2023IBRA 202380V
IndiaAhotosema, AndrewVignettes of World War II2022WSC INDONESIA 202276LS
IndiaAshthana, AdityaManchester of the East2022WSC INDONESIA 202285LV
IndiaCapt.Wadhwa, Vijay KumarThe Coin Atlas2022Cape Town 202276LS
IndiaThaper, RakeshMahatma Gandhi - His Life and Ideals2022WSC INDONESIA 202268SB
IndonesiaAdikusuma, Teguh WiraMy First Visit to a Car Expo (Previous title : Automobile, My Journey to the Expo and Returning Home)2018PRAGA 201873S
IndonesiaAdikusuma, Teguh WiraMy First Visit to a Car Expo (Previous title : Automobile, My Journey to the Expo and Returning Home)2023THAILAND 202383V
IrelandCallan, BrianSir Hubert Wilkins-Australian Pole to Pole Pioneer, Land, Air, Sea and Submarine2022WSC HUNFILEX 202281V
IrelandCasey, PatrickVictoria Regina, Her Life, Times and Legacy2016New York 201670S
IrelandCasey, PatrickVictoria Regina, Her Life, Times and Legacy2018PRAGA 201868SB
IrelandCasey, PatrickVictoria Regina, Her Life, Times and Legacy2022WSC LONDON 202271S
IrelandFarrell, Alan Aspects of Cook's Voyages in the Pacific 1768-17792022WSC LONDON 202280V
IrelandFarrell, Alan Aspects of Cook's Voyages in the Pacific 1768-17792023IBRA 202377LS
IrelandFitzsimons, JohnMozartccc.From Prodigy to Genius2022WSC LONDON 202270S
IrelandFitzsimons, JohngA Celebration of Christmas Traditionsh2016New York 201677LS
IrelandHegarty, ClemKLM, The Oldest Airline in the World Still Flying2023IBRA 202378LS
IrelandMitchell, HéloiseCoaching Ways and Coaching Days in Great Britain and Ireland2013AUSTRALIA'1376LS
IrelandMitchell, HéloiseCoaching Ways and Coaching Days in Great Britain and Ireland2022WSC LONDON 202286LV
IrelandMitchell, HéloiseCoaching Ways and Coaching Days in Great Britain and Ireland2023IBRA 202386LV
ItalyBruno, MassimilianoKicking up the past2022WSC LONDON 202282V
ItalyDi Tucci, AlessandroThe ball, the heart of football2022WSC LONDON 202278LS
ItalyPolo, PasqualeThrough the Colors of the Rainbow2018PRAGA 201886LV
ItalyPolo, PasqualeCycling Races and Rainbow Jersey2022WSC LONDON 202290G
JapanInoue, KazuyukiTonga Tin Can Mail History 1882-19472016New York 201684V
JapanInoue, KazuyukiTonga Tin Can Mail History 1882-19472019CHINA 201990G
Korea (Rep.)Park, Kwang JumThe Silk: Science and Culture2019CHINA 201991G
New ZealandBanfield, JeanetteMedicine - Its History and Development2013AUSTRALIA'1390GSP
New ZealandChitty, LindsayMaoritanga of New Zealand - The Culture of a Proud Race2013AUSTRALIA'1381V
New ZealandChristensen, MichaelTin Can Mail Island2019CHINA 201977LS
New ZealandChristensen, MichaelTin Can Mail Island2022INDONESIA 202283V
New ZealandClaridge, SuzanSaluting the Women Nurses in Service2013AUSTRALIA'1386LV
New ZealandMcTaggart, PaulThe Victoria Cross - Supreme Valour2018THAILAND 201881V
New ZealandMcTaggart, PaulThe Victoria Cross - Supreme Valour2022INDONESIA 202286LV
New ZealandPaston, JohnThe Suez Canal2018THAILAND 201883V
New ZealandPaston, JohnThe Suez Canal2019CHINA 201985LV
New ZealandPaston, JohnThe Suez Canal2022WSC LONDON 202283V
New ZealandPaston, JohnThe Suez Canal2022INDONESIA 202291G
New ZealandPaston, JohnThe Suez Canal2023IBRA 202380V
NorwayOlsen, Ole-FredrikFather of the Nation2008WSC ISRAEL 200872S
PeruKwacz, ArielFirst Hand Bolivian Presidential Philately2016New York 201670S
PolandMiko?ajczyk, Witold Bojanowo Commune - my Little Homeland2022WSC HUNFILEX 202285LV
PolandMiko?ajczyk, Witold Bojanowo Commune - my Little Homeland2023IBRA 202382V
RomaniaAmbrus, Francisc100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange, 1847 - 19472018PRAGA 201888LV
RomaniaCatana, IoanGeorge Enescu, Universal Musician2018THAILAND 201878LS
RomaniaMuntean, MariusFrom Continental Caoutchouc & Gutta Percha To Continental AG (1871-1929)2022WSC LONDON 202272S
RomaniaMuntean, MariusFrom Continental Caoutchouc & Gutta Percha To Continental AG (1871-1929)2022WSC HUNFILEX 202276LS
RomaniaMuntean, MariusFrom Continental Caoutchouc & Gutta Percha To Continental AG (1871-1929)2023THAILAND 202380V
RomaniaPintican-Juga, LiviuHermann Oberth ? Father of space flight2023IBRA 202378LS
RomaniaPopa, Cristinel Romanian Boy Scouts 1916-19472018THAILAND 201885LV
RomaniaPopa, Cristinel Romanian Boy Scouts 1916-19472022WSC HUNFILEX 202280V
SingaporeHsien, Yoong HowFrom Yokohama Specie Bank to Bank of Tokyo. A historical recount 1880-19802023IBRA 202378LS
SingaporeHsien, Yoong HowHSBC - Building the Bank since 18652023THAILAND 202386LV
SloveniaFerant, VeniLADS, LETLS GRAB A PINT!2018PRAGA 201886LV
SloveniaFerant, VeniLADS, LETLS GRAB A PINT!2023IBRA 202385LV
South AfricaDu Plessis , Andre Gold in the Transvaal: 1871 to 19222022Cape Town 202280V
South AfricaFerreira, Andries du PreezThe Sudbahn - The Railway Line between Luderitzbuch, Keetmanshoop and Kalkfontein Sud2019CHINA 201964B
South AfricaFindlay, JamesWorld War 1 - The War Effort in the Union of South Africa (Previous title: South Africa and the First World War)2018PRAGA 201883V
South AfricaFindlay, JamesWorld War 1 - The War Effort in the Union of South Africa (Previous title: South Africa and the First World War)2019CHINA 201977LS
South AfricaFriend, FrancoisSucculents2022Cape Town 202271S
South AfricaFriend, FrancoisSucculents2023IBRA 202367SB
South AfricaKamffer, GerhardThe Road to Democracy in South Africa up to 19942018THAILAND 201890G
South AfricaPlessis, du AndreJohannesburg First 50 Years - From Shanty Town to World City2019CHINA 201986LV
South AfricaVan der Walt, GabrielThe South African Border War, Including the Involvement of the Cubans, 1966-19892016New York 201681V
South AfricaVan Zeyl, PaulThe Dorslandtrekers of Angola2013AUSTRALIA'1373S
SwedenBunnstad, PerMy revenge on World Cup in football2022WSC LONDON 202285LVSP
SwedenOjakangas, CajsaThe Show of Mr Turpen2022WSC INDONESIA 202281V
USAButterline, Mark A.Falklands or Malvinas?2013Brasiliana '1385LV
USAButterline, Mark A.Falklands or Malvinas?2016New York 201681V
USACorapcioglu, M YavuzFrom Smyrna to Izmir: Everyday Life2022WSC LONDON 202288LV
USAGale, TimothyEvolution of the Holocaust in Holland2023IBRA 202386LV
USAGale, TimothyEvolution of the Holocaust in Holland2023THAILAND 202387LV
USAHoffman, RegisLetters to the Stars2022WSC LONDON 202275LS
USAJohnson, William J.James William Denver- The Man and His Times2016New York 201687LV
USANielson, NormaThe Story of Lloyds: From Coffee to Commerce2022WSC LONDON 202285LV